(919) 267-5509  

Summer Specials

Summer break is a highly-anticipated time of year for many kids. Whether your child has a month-long track out or a full three months off, Camp MusArt is prepared to provide them with a memorable and enjoyable summer experience. In fact, from June to August, we offer four summer-exclusive activities: water days, weekly barbecue, watermelon “funerals,” and tie dye t-shirts!



Water Day and Weekly Barbeque


Every Thursday, we help our campers beat the summer heat by hosting water day! On these days, campers arrive in their swimwear and proceed through their day at camp like normal. Then, during the last hour of camp, campers are allowed to play around on our inflatable water slides, use our water blasters, or relax on the blankets set up around the playground. To ensure the safety of every camper, we make sure to outline all the rules of water day beforehand, and campers may choose to not participate.


As our campers play, our staff also grills hot dogs, hamburgers, veggie burgers, pineapple and peaches for the kids to enjoy! We also provide campers with popsicles and other sweet treats to finish off their day at camp.



Watermelon “Funeral”


Despite its morbid name, the watermelon funeral is a surprisingly cheerful event. Every week, a whole watermelon is brought to camp and decorated by campers. After being beautified with markers, glitter, and other art supplies, the watermelon is usually given a name. This past week, it was named Charlie!


At the end of the week on water days, a funeral is held for the fruit. Here, campers say their dramatic final goodbyes to the watermelon before it is cut open and divided among everyone. Although the goodbyes are slightly bitter, the fruit within makes for a sweet summer treat!



Tie-Dye Shirts


Tie-dye shirts are a summer staple, and every week, we allow kids to design their own! Throughout the week, we pull a handful of campers from their regular activities and walk them through the tie-dying process. Although we guide them through the steps, campers have full creative control and are allowed to choose how they tie their shirts and what colors they use. On Fridays, during our end-of-the-week recitals, we hang up all the shirts on the playground so that campers and their parents can view the unique designs!


Although this summer is drawing to a close, we plan to bring back all of these activities next year (and add even more summer-specials for campers to enjoy!) Until then, you can sign up for our track-out camps here.

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